Dear Parish Faithful,
- Fr Steven
New video recounts 2011 mission trip to Project Mexico in memory of Archbishop Job
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — A video recounting the experiences of the 150-plus individuals who participated in the mission trip to Project Mexico's Saint Innocent Orphanage July 12-18, 2011 is now available for viewing and downloading at
His Grace, Bishop Matthias of Chicago and the Midwest, led the volunteers in building seven homes in memory of His Eminence, the late Archbishop Job, as earlier reported on the OCA web site. The video features interviews with a number of trip volunteers and footage of their labors.
"Funded by the Diocese of the Midwest, this heartwarming video about how Archbishop Job's flock felt about their archpastor and his love for his diocese are reflected in the interviews of the volunteers featured on the video," said Matushka Ruth Yavornitzky of Rochester, MI, who organized the trip. "The video project, like the building of the seven homes, was nothing less than a 'labor of love' for all involved."
In addition to members of the Diocese of the Midwest, volunteers participated from New York, California, Florida, and Kentucky.
We raised “around” $600.00 for Project Mexico at our fund-raising meal. In addition, another $400.00 will be added from previously collected but undistributed funds that were raised at our St. Nicholas Day Dinner last December. That will allow us to make a generous donation to Project Mexico of around $1,000.00. Thank you for your support.