Spiritual Retreats, with Archives back to 2008
Thanks to the dedication and guidance of our pastor, Fr. Steven Kostoff, spiritual retreats have always been a major part of Christ the Savior's parish life. Since 2008 we have been archiving our retreat resources, so you can get an idea of our recent offerings.
Use the drop-down menu to select, or click on the links in the list below to view the archive pages for retreats from 2008 forward.
We feel blessed to have hosted many distinguished speakers, including (in chronological order):
- Fr. Roman Braga, 1993
- Fr. Thomas Hopko, 1995
- Fr. John Breck, 1997
- Drs. David and Mary Ford, 1999
- Bishop Kallistos Ware, 2002
- Mother Abbess Ines and Mother Maria (from the Hogar Rafael Ayau in Guatemala), 2003
- Presvytera Renée Ritsi, OCMC Missions Retreat, 2003
- Sister Magdalen of St. John the Baptist Monastery, Essex, England, 2004
- Mother Gabriella, Abbess of Holy Dormition Monastery, Rives Jct Michigan; Great Lent 2006
- Madre Ivonne of the Hogar Rafael Ayau in Guatemala; Fall 2008
- Fr John Chryssavgis, Great Lent 2009
- Fr Thomas Hopko, Great Lent 2010
- Dr Daniel Buxhoeveden, Fall 2011
- Dr Peter Bouteneff of St Vladimir's Seminary, Great Lent 2012
- V. Rev. Dr. John Behr of St. Vladimir's Seminary, Great Lent, 2013
- Mother Paula of Transfiguration Monastery, October 2015
- Fr. Cyril Hovorun, 'The Pan Orthodox Council - Behind the Iconostasis', Great Lent 2016
- Fr Andrew Stephen Damick, 'The Church In and After the Scriptures', October 2016
- Dr. Nadieszda Kizenko, 'A Latter Day Saint - Fr. John of Kronstadt', September 2017
- Kh. Krista West: 'Envisioning the Kingdom - The Why and How of Beauty in the Orthodox Church', Great Lent 2018
- 'Thy Most Pure Image' - An Orthodox Christian Presentation on the Shroud of Turin, October 2019
- Iconography with Fr Andrew Tregubov, Lenten Zoom Retreat 2021
Upcoming seminars and spiritual retreats will be posted on the website as soon as scheduled.