Christ the Savior ~ Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
a parish of the Orthodox Church in America.
'The Ancient Faith in Contemporary Cincinnati.'
We're glad you've found us, and hope you will visit with us soon and often, and perhaps find your spiritual home here with us.
Home — Recently redesigned (February 2022) for an attractive and convenient view of everything current and important in the life of the parish. Our easy and intuitive navigation includes our address and phone, directions to the church from every point on the compass, our worship and education schedule, parish news, and more. Also features a Google-powered site-search engine, and Google Translator.
Worship Schedule — The center of our life is our worship of the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Please join us for Great Vespers on Saturday evenings at 6:00pm, when we begin the cycle of the Lord's Day services. Sunday morning services begin at 9:10am with the Hours of Prayer, leading into the Divine Liturgy at 9:30am. During the Summer, we typically have weekday Vespers on Wednesdays at 7:00pm, leading into our Bible Study. A pop-up, printable calendar makes it convenient to plan ahead for special feasts and saints' days, and you can sync our calendar to your smartphone, tablet or computer with just one click! Links to changeable texts and to download or order prayer books and service books makes this one of our most helpful sections.
Parish News — Here you'll find current parish news, feature articles, ministry updates, and items of interest about our parish life, with archives covering prior years. Announcements about upcoming classes and retreats are always featured here and on our Home page.
Now you can read the Daily Scripture readings, view the lives and icons of the daily saints and feasts (and learn their hymns), and explore the theological and narrative riches of The Prologue of Ochrid, the massive daily compendium compiled and authored by St Nikolai Velimirovich (who served in America in the mid 20th century).
This new page updates automatically each day, with permanent links featured on both our Home page and our Worship Schedule page, making it easier than ever before to keep up with the Daily Readings and harmonize our lives with the Life of the Church, learning and growing in our love for Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother and the Saints.
We think you'll love this new feature, and we invite you to try it out!
Meditations — Our pastor, Fr. Steven Kostoff, sends out regular meditations via email, which are also posted on Fr. Steven's blog, Orthodox Christian Meditations. You can also order Fr. Steven's books through this page. The links will open the store menu in a new tab. We also feature an archive of Father's meditations dating back over a decade.
Education — With a thriving Church School program for our many youth, annual Summer Bible Study and Fall Adult Education Classes, a longstanding tradition of Spiritual Retreats led by some of Orthodoxy's most noted speakers, and a variety of other opportunities for young and old alike, our Christian Education Ministry seeks to not only instruct and inform, but to truly help form in us an ever deepening faith, imbued with the 'savor of Orthodoxy'.
Ministries — With inreach to our own parish community, as well as outreach to our neighborhood and region, national and international charities and ministries, the faithful of Christ the Savior strive to put the love of Christ into action. Explore and see where you might feel most led to serve.
About Orthodoxy — MORE VIDEOS ADDED! — Designed for inquirers and those wishing to learn more about the Orthodox Christian Faith, this special section hosts a broad range of resources, from articles to suggested book titles, to podcasts and more. If you're new to Orthodoxy, this is the place to start.
Monasteries — We are blessed to be within only a few hours drive of four Orthodox monasteries, with others not much further away. Christ the Savior makes an annual parish pilgrimage to one of the two women's monasteries, and men of the parish make special retreats to the two nearby men's monasteries. Learn more about Orthodox Christian monasticism through the videos and articles on this special page.
Hogar Rafael Ayau — For almost twenty years, Christ the Savior has been sponsoring and sending mission teams to assist in the building up of the Hogar, an orphanage in Guatemala run by the Orthodox nuns of the Orthodoxo Lavra Mambre monastery. This is our main international ministry.
Feasts, Fasts and Saints — EXPANDED AND UPDATED FOR 2022! — Foundational resources on the Twelve Great Feasts of the Church, Fasting in the Orthodox Tradition and the Four Major Fasting Seasons, Saints who have shown forth in North America (including one of the finest pages on the internet on our beloved St Herman of Alaska) and more. Our extensive resource sections on the Pre-Lent Period, Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha have become valuable aids for many seekers and Orthodox, and feature extensive articles, suggested books, and audio and video to help us immerse ourselves in these holy seasons of the Church Year.