Meditation Archive

Posted Feb 21, 2011
This Archive of Father Steven's Meditations is under construction.
Please forgive any errors or inconsistencies, and the lack of formatting. When the parish transitioned from our old website to the new hosting and internet services of Orthodox Web Solutions in early 2008, we also decided to begin publishing Fr. Steven's Meditations using Google's Blogger service, which is much easier to use, and not limited to only one webservant. In an effort to save and collect pre-2008 meditations, we had OWS create an archive, which is what these links point to. We hope to better organize these over time, as well as post pre-2004 meditations. The two-three year goal is to compile the best of Father Steven's meditations and publish them in book format. May it be blessed!
Meditation Archive 2004, Hogar Mission Trip
Meditation Archive , Summer 2004
Meditation Archive, Autumn 2004
Meditation Archive, Winter 2004-2005
Meditation Archive, Great Lent 2005
Meditation Archive, Pascha Meditations 2005
Meditation Archive, Hogar Newsletter 2005
Meditation Archive, Hogar Mission 2005
Meditation Archive, Summer 2005
Meditation Archive - Dormition Meditations 2005
Meditation Archive, Aug-Sept 2005
Meditation Archive, Nativity Fast 2005
Meditation Archive, Winter 2006
Meditation Archive, Great Lent 2006
Meditation Archive, Pascha 2006
Meditation Archive, Hogar Mission 2006
Meditation Archive, Summer 2006
Meditation Archive, Autumn 2006
Meditation Archive, Nativity Fast 2006
Meditation Archive, Winter 2007
Meditation Archive, Great Lent 2007
Meditation Archive, Pascha 2007
Meditation Archive, Summer 2007
Meditation Archive, Autumn 2007